Berlin. Bilder von der Jahrhundertfeier 1813-1913
Genere: Short film / Documentary film
Anno: 1913
Durata: 02:21 min
Descrizione: The footage produced by Gaumont shows a military parade in Berlin on March 10, 1913, to celebrate the battles that some German states had fought against Napoleonic France 100 years earlier. The military parade marked the end of a series of celebrations by the political and military elite to mark the occasion. The final shot is unusual: the soldiers can be seen hastily scattering in all directions at the end of the parade, apparently driven by the rainy weather.
Parole chiave: EFG1914 / Erster Weltkrieg / 1. Weltkrieg / First World War / World War One / WWI / WW1 / World War I
Fonte esterna: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Diritti: In Copyright
Casa di produzione: Gaumont-Film (Berlin)
Tipo documento:
Language: de